Traveling to Ankara From the US

· 6 min read
Traveling to Ankara From the US

One of the things that makes a vacation in Turkey so special is that the country knows how to treat its visitors with the utmost respect. You will find many facilities there, especially if you are looking for holiday romance, but the main reason why everyone goes to Turkey is to get medical treatments that they can't undergo back home. Since the country is so popular with American and other tourists, it has become quite easy to plan your trip to Turkey and get the treatments that you need.

The prices for many medical treatments in Turkey are a bargain. In fact, many Americans can get a whole course of treatment for the price of a movie ticket! It's quite an attractive offer, and it can be quite overwhelming to think about choosing a treatment plan that you might want to use while you are vacationing in Turkey. You may feel that you need to rush out and make a decision, without giving it proper thought. The truth is that you can take your time and choose the best  hollywood smile turkey price  package that suits your needs. You can also get a good night's sleep and come back home with a clearer mind. Here is some general information about what you should expect when you travel to Turkey for medical treatments.

Treatments Available

If you are looking for dental treatments in Turkey, you will certainly be happy to learn that the country is home to some of the best dental professionals in the world. Many high profile celebrities visit the country for their treatments, and locals there are very proud of their tooth whitening techniques! Even if you don't have severe tooth decay, you may feel the need for some dental care while you are in Turkey. It is also a very good idea to get your ears checked by a professional while you are there, since many Turks can fixears quickly and accurately, and the cost is quite affordable.

If you are looking for traditional Turkish treatments, such as water therapy or herbal supplements, you may find that these options are not available where you are staying, but there are definitely clinics and hospitals where you can get them. The disadvantage is that since they are traditional remedies, they may not work for you, depending on your medical condition. In any case, you should find the information you need and choose the right treatment for your needs.

Getting There

Getting to Turkey from the US is quite simple. Most major airlines have direct flights from major cities, and since there is no direct flight from New York to Istanbul, the travel time is around 10 hours. You can get a good night's sleep on the plane, and arrive at the Istanbul airport in time for your 3:00 pm departure. From there, it's only a 30-minute taxi ride to the luxury hotel where you will be staying. It's a perfect way to make your first trip to Turkey, and it will bring back memories of a lifetime!

If you are looking for a more indirect route, you can get a bus or taxi to the main bus station in Ankara. From there, it's only a 2-hour drive to the hotel where you will be staying. You can get a direct taxi ride to the clinic or hospital, where you will receive your treatments. The advantage of this route is that it will give you more time to relax and take a break from your busy schedule. You can get some good night's sleep on the bus ride to Ankara, and arrive at your destination in time for your 3:00 pm appointment. This is a popular option with older tourists, since it allows them to make an early morning appointment, if they want. This will give them more time to relax and take a nap before the start of their treatments. You can also use this option to get to the airport for your flight back home. Since the bus ride is only two hours, you will arrive at the airport in time to catch your flight. The disadvantage of this route is that it takes a little longer to get to your destination. You will spend the night in an air-conditioned hotel in Ankara, away from home, without your family. You may find that this is not what you want for a vacation, but it's good to know that there are options. The point is that you should research different travel routes and find out what suits you best. For more information, you can contact the clinic or hospital that you will be traveling to directly from the US. They will be able to give you all the information you need, and help you make the correct decision. You can also contact the nearest US consulate, once you are there, to get additional information and make the right immigration and visa processes go as smoothly as possible.

Cost Of Living

One of the main things that you need to consider is how much does everything cost, especially if you are not from Turkey. The prices there are very reasonable, and the services are very good. You may find that some treatments that you are used to back home are not available in Turkey, or are more expensive. For example, MRI scans or other similar scans are often not available for free in Turkey. On the other hand, many routine medical tests and procedures, such as blood tests, are available for free in most medical facilities in Turkey. The reason for this is that the country desperately needs doctors and healthcare professionals. It is quite the opposite from the stereotype, but the truth is that Turkey does not have enough doctors and healthcare professionals relative to its population. This is not a problem in big cities, but everywhere outside of major cities, it is quite a difficult to find a doctor, especially a specialist. In some cases, you may have to pay slightly more for some medical procedures or tests in Turkey, but it will be worth it.

Another important point to make is that even though Turkey is quite far from some of the countries that are more developed, it is definitely a middle-income country, and quite affluent. Even the street food and local markets are extremely affordable there. You may get a kilo of cherry tomatoes for only a few dollars, and a kilo of cheese can be bought for a couple of dollars. It is definitely a bargain, compared to what you would pay in a more affluent country. It can also be quite a relieving, as well as an interesting experience, to eat in a place where everything is affordable.


You will be quite surprised by how much the culture in Turkey impresses you. It can be quite different from what you are used to, and since Turkey is quite a historical country, with many interesting traditions and folklore, it can be quite overwhelming to understand and learn about it all. Even just going to a museum can teach you a lot about Turkish history and culture. It is quite a different experience, and it will be quite interesting to see and learn about Turkish arts and crafts, as well as their music and cuisine. It is quite an open culture, and you will easily make new friends there. One of the best things about Turkey is that even though it is quite a Muslim majority country, they can still be quite open-minded and accepting of other cultures and lifestyles. This makes a total difference in how you will feel while there and what you will experience. The disadvantage is that if you are not a Muslim, you may find that some of the rules and customs regarding religion can be somewhat difficult to accept. You must do your best to understand them and comply with them, as much as you can. It can also be quite challenging to understand and explain some of the health issues that you may encounter, due to being a non-Muslim. This can be quite embarrassing, especially if you have a condition that is highly stigmatized in the Muslim world, such as cancer or AIDS. It is a good idea to learn some basic Turkish phrases and words, as well as commit to memory some of the important dates and events in the country's history. This will take you a step closer to feeling like a local, and being able to blend in with the crowd. Learning about their culture and making new friends will be quite an enjoyable experience, but it can be hard to avoid being seen as a tourist sometimes.


Since this article is mostly about what you should know and expect when you travel to Turkey for medical treatment, let's discuss another important aspect: the language. It's a good idea to know a couple of words and phrases in Turkish, and it's definitely a great way to learn a new language. It will also be of great help to communicate with the locals, especially if you have a question about something. The disadvantage is that if you don't know Turkish, it can be hard to understand exactly what is being said to you, and you may end up being the translator, more often than not. Learning a new language is not that hard, but due to so many people knowing English, it can still be quite difficult to find a job, even if you are a professional translator. Traveling to a country where you don't speak the language can be quite stressful, and it's not something that you may want to consider if you want a good experience.